Give now, give often.

Your monthly gifts are the best way to support engagement with students for radical discipleship, spiritual discernment and vocational exploration. Thank you for giving. Thanks also for sharing this link and continuing to pray for all our campuses, students, partner congregations, faculty and friends across Michigan.

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Division on Higher Education and Campus Ministry - Michigan UMC

The MIUMC DHECM supports all our campus ministries across Michigan through grants, training, infrastructure and advocacy. Gifts to the DHECM help support strategies for launching new ministries and growing existing ones.

Wesley at Central Michigan University

Wesley at CMU is an open, authentic community committed to transformation in Christ’s way of loving justice. Our hope is for all students to know themselves as God’s beloved and to love God, neighbor, and creation in turn.

We need your support for this vision of open, authentic community now more than ever. The COVID-19 pandemic and global uprisings have highlighted the need for community in a time of isolation and faithful action in a world crying for justice. As students return to campus amidst these challenges and opportunities, Wesley at CMU is committed to creating spaces of belonging and leaning into Christ’s call to loving justice. Your donation—whether a one-time gift or a monthly commitment—will help us meet our goal of $2000 and support students at this critical moment. Join us in this vision!

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The Ferris State University Wesley House

Belong. Whoever you are, you matter to us! However you identify, you are welcome, and celebrated here. Through active participation, The Wesley House can become your home away from home, and family when you need family. 

Believe. The Wesley House is a Christian ministry and we engage in theological exploration and study. So, whatever you believe (or don’t believe), we are here to encourage you to deeply engage in your faith and develop leadership skills. 

Become. We want to help you discover your purpose and passions, so that you can become the person God has called and created you to be.

Wesley of Kalamazoo

Wesley of Kalamazoo is a dynamic collegiate ministry serving young adults where they are on their faith journey and responding to campus needs in a Christlike way. Heading into fall, the way we've done ministry will need to change and more needs from our student have already emerged. Young adults in Kalamazoo were already experencing food insecurity, lonlieness, desire for care and community and the pandemic has further exposed those needs. As we continue to follow God's call to feed the hungry, visit the lonely, and minister to young adults craving Christ and community, we ask that you partner in supporting us by making a gift today.

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The Wesley Foundation at the University of Michigan

Be Here. Be You. Belong.

The Wesley Foundation at the University of Michigan --- a campus ministry of the United Methodist church --- provides a place of community and faith in the midst of college life. Through Bible studies for grads and undergrads, fun activities, community service projects, movies, worship, programs, and speakers, we grow together and give academic life a sense of balance and perspective. We laugh a lot. We care about each other. We make a difference in the world around us.

Any level of giving, one-time donations and monthly donations, are greatly appreciated. Individuals, church groups and congregations are invited to donate. One of our board members will match the first month of monthly giving up to $1,000, so your donation helps us maximize this offer. 

Wesley Foundation at Michigan State University

Wesley at MSU is a Christian community of young adults, who love without exception, serve without judgement and rejoice without restraint.

Motor City Wesley

Motor City Wesley engages students at campuses and churches across Metro Detroit in Creativity, Community and Conspiracy for God’s goodness in the world. With chapters at university hubs like Wayne State University, The University of Michigan - Dearborn and Oakland University we seek to connect students with the resources and relationships that will help them help the church reach the whole world with the justice, love, mercy and transformation of Jesus Christ.

Sacred Space @ Northern Michigan University

Sacred Space Campus Ministry is an intentional and expansive faith community that supports students and young adults in their faith journey. As our Wesley Foundation at NMU, Sacred Space serves as a catalyst for faith exploration and growth as students journey through their time at Northern and beyond. We strive to do this by loving everyone and creating a community where everyone belongs as they are.

Sacred Space is supported by Marquette Hope and housed in the Connection Center Campus.

United Campus Christian Fellowship

United Campus Christian Fellowship (UCCF) is a multi campus, multi denominational campus ministry. We create opportunities for students to learn about and follow Jesus Christ in a non- judgmental, inclusive and open environments. We help students consider how their faith connects to the rest of their lives- their career choices, and their social justice concerns. We offer thoughtful Bible study, spiritual formation, and opportunities to put one’s faith into action. To be clear, for us this means LGBTQ+ persons are welcomed and affirmed. We are committed to becoming the inclusive community God intends us to be. UCCF is present on campus at Grand Rapids Community College, Grand Valley State University, and Kendall College of Art and Design.